Do Cats Act Weird After Spaying/Neutering?

Spaying or neutering your cat is an important procedure, and it will make your cat more calm, relaxed, and content.

Cats can act weird after spaying or neutering for a few days. Your cat is put under anesthesia for the surgery, and it can linger in its system. This may make your cat a little bit groggy or dizzy. Your cat may be quieter than normal, and it may not be as interested in eating. However, your cat should be back to normal within about 48 hours following surgery.

Today we will discuss this topic in more detail, so let’s crack on.

How Do Female Cats Act After Being Spayed?

When you have your female cat spayed, it will take a few days to recover. You may notice that it is quieter than normal, and it may be groggy or dizzy as the anesthesia makes its way through the cat’s system.

It also might take a few days for it to get its appetite back. Your cat might be clingy after the surgery, but this will go away when it is feeling better.

Female cats can change quite a bit after they are spayed. The surgery removes the reproductive tract, which means that your cat will no longer come into heat.

This eliminates most of the behaviors that come with cats being in heat.

When female cats come into heat, they are very vocal and affectionate. They may roll around on the floor, and they have an increased appetite.

Sometimes they appear restless. Cats rub against you more and follow you around, and they act this way for around a week.

Most of these behaviors will go away after your cat is spayed. They may still run against your legs or let you pet them, but they won’t be as affectionate or be as vocal.

Your cat will still enjoy time with you, but it won’t have the same yearning for affection.

How Do Male Cats Act After Being Neutered?

Male cats are neutered to prevent them from being able to reproduce. This surgery removes their testes, and it isn’t as complicated as spaying a female cat.

You will notice a change in some of the sexual behaviors of your male cat.

First of all, it should not mark by spraying any longer, and it won’t have a need to wander.

Male cats are also more content and able to rest quietly without needing to go outside and wander. They aren’t as territorial, and they aren’t as interested in other cats.

If you wait too long to neuter your cat, some male behaviors might take longer to go away, as they become a habit. Most of the changes in male cats are welcome changes, so people usually neuter them as soon as they can.

Why Is My Cat So Clingy After Spaying?

When your cat gets home from being spayed, it will be a little bit out of sorts. Your cat may be uncomfortable as it heals from the surgery, which can make it feel clingier.

It may be looking to you to make it feel better and protect it.

Your cat doesn’t understand surgery, and it won’t remember it. It might be confused and need you to reassure it because it will go through different hormonal changes that it isn’t used to.

Your cat might need you more, and you should be attentive and keep a close eye on your cat as it recovers after the surgery.

It should feel fine after a few days, but the hormonal changes will take a little time to balance out.

Do Cats Get More Affectionate After Spaying?

Most of the time, cats do not get more affectionate after spaying.

Before you have your cat spayed, it will go through heat cycles. During this time, it is very affectionate and vocal.

It will roll around on the floor at your feet, meow, and rub on you with its body. These are normal behaviors that are brought out by the hormones that your cat has when it comes into heat.

After your cat is spayed, it will feel tired and sore for a few days. During this time, it might be clingy, but it is unlikely to be very affectionate.

However, as time goes on, your cat will be a different kind of affectionate with you. It will purr when you pet it, and it will rub against you from time to time. It just won’t have the same cycles that it had before it was spayed.

Why Is My Cat Meowing So Much After Being Spayed?

There are several reasons why your cat might be meowing a lot after being spayed.

First of all, it could be from discomfort. Your cat might also feel insecure or confused after the surgery because it is going through a lot of changes.

The meowing is almost always related to the surgery, whether it is from pain or insecurity, so it is important to make sure that your cat is feeling okay.

Another reason why your cat might meow is because it is feeling clingy.

It could be stressed and want to be near you while it is recovering from the surgery. Make sure that your cat isn’t suffering from any pain, and know that this behavior will stop in a few days.

Do Female Cats Become More Affectionate After Spaying?

When you spay your female cat, she will not be interested in mating any longer. Some of the affectionate behaviors that come with the heat cycle will go away, such as being vocal, rolling around on the floor, and rubbing her body all over the place.

Some people say that the female cat is less affectionate after spaying, but it is really a different kind of affectionate.

Instead of rubbing against you and talking during that week, it may just sleep next to you. It will still purr when you pet it and come to you for attention, but it won’t be as intense.

Related Post: Do Cats Really Get More Affectionate With Age?(Yes, But…)


As you can see, cats can and most likely will act out of the ordinary after being sprayed, or neutered because they have to undergo the surgery. This is stressful for both the body and the mental state of your cat.

Make sure you give your cat a lot of attention and follow all the post-operation recommendations that the vet has prescribed.